Sprout Pickle

image of pickled brussels spouts

Spring’s really around the corner now! Can’t let those last bits of winter veg go to waste though …

Pickled sprouts are actually a favourite here (unexpectedly, I admit). They go really well on burgers and sandwiches, or may be tossed into salads. Basically anywhere you might use a gerkhin otherwise. With just that bit extra crunch.
And as everything pickled, they keep well nearly forever.

How much pickle you make, would depend on the amount of sprouts you have te save. (And slightly on the size of your jars.) For about a pound of sprouts, you could manage with one cup, but would probably rather go for two.

๐Ÿ’šFor each cup of cider vinegar, take
๐Ÿ’š1 tablespoon of honey. Dissolve over medium-low heat.
๐Ÿ’š taste to make sure it has the right tangy-sweet flavour thing happening.
๐Ÿ’šAdd one vanilla pod
๐Ÿ’šand one (small) red pepper.
๐Ÿ’šHeat well through, but take from the heat before it boils.
๐Ÿ’šAdd your sprouts and leave for at least one day.


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