Let’s Talk Tabs

image of dental tabs, or toothtabs

We need to talk Tooth Tabs.

When looking to buy toothpaste, you don’t automatically grab the funny little tin. We get that.
But these little wonders are definitely worth a try.

💚Both the tabs themselves and their packaging are reduced to the absolute necessary minimum.
💚They are available in both mint and strawberry flavour, and both flavours come either with or without fluoride -whichever you prefer.
💚 They are wonderfully easy to take along. Even if you would be traveling by plane.

Just chew till smooth, then brush. That’s it. Lovely clean teeth.

And that F-?
Well, that’s the chemical symbol for fluoride, so you will find it on the tabs that DO contain fluoride, and not on the ones that don’t.

Also good to know:
💚You can buy them in a reusable tin, or a refill, wrapped in fully biodegradable glassine.

Well, we do call them that. Refills.
But by all means, if your bathroom is so organised you can keep your tooth tabs safe in the little bag, or if you happen to have a neat little jar to keep them in, there is obviously no need for you to buy a tin of them first.

On the other hand, if you keep coming up with uses for those cute little tins (sorting pins, needles, earrings, paperclips and whatnot), you can buy a tin as often as you like.
You can even hide one somewhere, to be a secret mailbox to exchange those little notes with your children that make them feel special.

Surely you have come up with some uses of your own. We’d love to hear them!

The point remains: Think before you buy, to reduce waste to a minimum.

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